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Virtual Reality

Neptunia VIIR Is Going To Nep You All Up On PS4 / PS4 Pro Today

Posted on May 8, 2018 by Rae Michelle Richards

Idea Factory International and Compile Heart revisit Neptunia’s first 8th generation adventure, 2016’s Hyperdiemnsion Neptunia VII, with an enhanced remake, Hyperdimension Neptunia VIIR on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro. An enhanced remake of the 2016, VIIR features a brand new battle system that returns some of the staples introduced way back in Hyper Dimenson Neptunia MK II, as well as sporting a brand new VR enhanced extra mode. Small VR inspired vignettes that take place in “the player’s room” have well.. you, the player, interact with various Neptunia characters in small scripted sequences that take place outside of the


Nier: Automata Director Yoko Taro Collaborates With Tiny Metal Developers For Promo

Posted on December 5, 2017 by Rae Michelle Richards

Get ready for the promotional crossover you didn’t know you needed in your life – Director of Nier: Automata Yoko Taro alongside the Director / Producer of the upcoming Tiny Metal Hiroki Yura, promoting the upcoming December 21st release of Tiny Metal on PS4, Nintendo Switch and PC.  It is clear from the get-go that Yoko Taro didn’t play more than 5 minutes of the tutorial, as he states as much several times throughout the 2-minute video. When asked to comment about the soundtrack, Taro unabashedly admits that he couldn’t really hear it during his brief gameplay session but promises that it must be amazing. To be honest, I’m not discouraged or even criticizing Yoko Taro here,


Batman Arkham VR Coming To PC On April 25th

Posted on April 3, 2017 by Rae Michelle Richards

Warmer Bros Interactive Entertainment will be bringing its’ first person VR simulation of the dark knight to Windows when Batman Arkham VR launches on HTC Vive and Oculus Touch on April 25th. Arkham VR will support the Oculus Tocuh controllers and HTC VIVE wands for motion enabled gameplay such as putting on the famous cowl or hurling baterangs. Batman Arkham VR was originally released on PlayStation VR during the Fall of 2016 and allows players to experience life as both the Bat and Bruce Wayne. On PlayStation it was priced at $29.99 USD, no word yet on what pricing may


GDC 17: Hands-On With VR Sports & Front Defence

Posted on March 1, 2017 by Rae Michelle Richards

Vive Studios will introduce three brand new entertainment experiences for the HTC Vive this spring for owners of the headset. During the first day of the Games Developer Conference I got the chance to sit down with Joel Breton to discuss the three new products – VR Sports, a collection of room scale enabled mini games. Make VR, a tool that helps bridge the gap between Virtual Reality and the real world by bringing support for 3D printers into the virtual space. Finally, Vive Studios also announced Front Defense, a World War II inspired shooter that uses Valve’s room scale


EVE Valkyrie Wormhole Update Now Live

Posted on February 16, 2017 by Rae Michelle Richards

CCP Games has rolled out a new major update to EVE: Valkyrie on both Windows PC and PlayStation VR that introduces Wormholes to the multiplayer space dog fighting title. Wormholes are essentially weekly challenges that will introduce players to advanced encounters and gameplay types that will test their piloting ability.  Each wormhole encounter will feature a different rotation of available ships, visuals that will help differentiate them from one another and special Wormhole only loot that may be available for a limited time. Here is how CCP described Wormholes on their developer blog: “Each wormhole also comes with its own


DarkNet Bringing Cyberpunk Hacking To The PlayStation VR

Posted on January 18, 2017 by Rae Michelle Richards

Vancouver based game developers Archiact VR Games are remastering their successful PC hacking simulator DarkNet for the PlayStation VR. This updated immersive hacking sim features a neon aesthetic and grid based user interface is due out this spring. Archiact VR Games also released a small launch trailer to promote the game’s impending release on PlayStation VR.  It gives the viewer a good sense of what the moment to moment gameplay of selecting nodes on a virtual grid in-front of the player but does little to explain the mechanics behind these selections. The devs obviously designed the game from the ground


Shift Controller To Offer Room Scale Like Experience Without Sensors

Posted on December 28, 2016 by Rae Michelle Richards

Virtual Reality motion controllers can add to the immersion of an interactive experience but setting up various base-stations and sensors can be a daunting task for the less hardcore among us. The Shift cross-platform controller purports to offer a simpler solutions for VR physical presence with a set of motion controllers linked to a pair of sensor armbands worn on the upper arm. Produced by San Francisco based start-up Finch, the Shift is said to match the functionality of the much more expensive HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. How does Finch achieve  these results without the need for multiple sensors in


Diner Duo | REVIEW

Posted on December 5, 2016 by Meghan Kass

So far, in it’s short existence, the Vive has had an interesting selection of games. These games range from literally nauseating to impressive, but most have the feeling as a tech demo at this point. Many Vive games have a lot of style and gimmicks, but lack in actual gameplay or even fun for a stretch of times. While the horror genre and arcade style games have shown us some virtual reality gems, what are other some other types of games that are worth the time and money that the Vive or, any VR system require? One of the more


Microsoft Reveals Minimum Specs For Affordable VR Headsets

Posted on November 23, 2016 by Rae Michelle Richards

Remember those sub $300 USD virtual reality headsets that Microsoft announced would be manufactured by partners like Hewlett Packard and Dell last month? The tech giant has now shed some light on the minimum requirements that a users systems will have to meet in order to use the Windows Holographic Shell on one of these devices. Unlike gaming focused headsets like the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, these new headsets will not require 8GB of system memory or a beefy GeForce 970 in order to power the Windows Holographic Shell. During the Microsoft “Windows 10 Creator’s Update” presentation from last month


OSVR Support Officially Comes To Steam

Posted on November 23, 2016 by Rae Michelle Richards

Support for Open Source Virtual Reality hardware – an initiative known as OSVR, which allows a wide range of hardware manufacturers and developers to contribute to a open VR ecosystem for Windows PC, Linux and Mac– is finally coming to Steam officially. Today’s announcement means that OSVR supported content will is now visible on the Steam Store alongside content made specifically for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. Users can now sort via preferred supported platform within the store and a special OSVR badge will be displayed alongside the other platforms within the store interface. Razer’s OSVR Lead, Christopher Mitchell, had


Microsoft Lowers The Barrier To Entry With $299 VR Headsets

Posted on October 27, 2016 by Rae Michelle Richards

At their New York technology showcase Microsoft announced that they will be supported VR in a huge way with the upcoming Windows 10 Creator’s Update (previously known as “Red Stone 2”) due to roll out sometime next spring. Not only will MS be bringing brand new Virtual Reality & 3D enabled versions of classic Windows applications but also partnering with popular hardware manufacturers to bring a new line of VR headsets to market. This new line of headsets will be manufactured by companies like HP, Acer, Lenovo, Asus and Dell during the first half of 2017. Best of, according to Microsoft, they


Rez Infinite | REVIEW

Posted on October 26, 2016 by Ellen McGrody

Rez Infinite logo banner
Rez Infinite is immensely difficult to review. It’s a daunting task, really. That’s not because the game’s bad, it’s not because I don’t have anything to say about it, to the contrary. It’s because I could talk about Rez for a lifetime and still not have said enough. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Tetsuya Mizuguchi is responsible for what may be the defining VR title of our time. In addition to Rez, he’s responsible for landmark games like Lumines and Space Channel 5, in addition to producing classics like Meteos and Every Extend Extra. Rez Infinite will define the best of PlayStation


GaymerX Year Four Preview: Luna

Posted on October 5, 2016 by Ellen McGrody

At last weekend’s GaymerX Year Four, we had the chance to play Funomena’s upcoming VR puzzler Luna. The colorful LGBTQ-focused games convention felt like a perfect fit for developer Funomena, founded by former Journey team members Robin Hunicke and Martin Middleton. Bouncing off the release of educational title Terra, Funomena is developing Luna alongside the games Woorld and Wattam, co-developed with Katamari Damacy creator Keita Takahashi. The studio is absolutely ripe with talent and I was endlessly excited to see what they had done in virtual reality. As with their games, Funomena’s booth was bright and eye-catching, with gorgeous signage


KryptCrawler aims to bring dungeon crawlers to VR

Posted on August 9, 2016 by Fionna Schweit

We here at Brokenjoysticks love VR. Rae has her Razr OSVR, and Renee had both the HTC Vive and Occulus Rift. So our staff is always looking for an exciting new VR experience. One of the things I have yet to see done well for VR is true dungeon crawler experience. That feeling of plumbing a nearly endless dungeon in real time, getting loot, and slowly improving your character is a hard one to emulate in VR. Mostly I feel this is because (except old school ones) most dungeon crawlers rely heavily on movement. KrypCrawler is trying to fix that


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