June 10, 2013

Sony Shocks The Gaming World With $399 PS4 Price

Posted on June 10, 2013 by Rae Michelle Richards

Andrew House could have just dropped his microphone and walked away from the end of the 2 hour PlayStation E3 press conference, after announcing that the PlayStation 4 will retail for $399 USD. Sony has single handedly given themselves a giant advantage over Microsoft, whom this morning priced their console at $499. It’s almost as if this end of conference surprise makes up for the “$599 U.S Dollars” controversy seven years ago.

Sony’s execs also took shots at Microsoft by announcing, via slides, that their console will support used games, has no online activation or the need to “phone home” every 24 hrs and you own all of the software you’ve purchased. You’ll be able to buy PS4 games, rent them, loan them to friends or just shove them in the microwave. Traditional used games and the rights of gamers are firmly understood by Sony, it seems.

The first two major players have fired their shots, Nintendo is up next tomorrow morning, and the expo hall opens at noon. Who do you think “won the show”? Let us know in the comments section.


No You’re Not Dreaming, Square Enix Announces Kingdom Hearts III

Posted on June 10, 2013 by Rae Michelle Richards

Square Enix surprised everyone with a “wait one more moment”, announcing a sequel that everyone has been waiting 8 years for. No, I’m not talking about a remake of Final Fantasy VII, based off of the 2006 tech demo, but the return of Sora and Mickey Mouse in Kingdom Hearts 3.

Details are scant, we don’t know much about the game except that it will debut on the PlayStation 4 at some point in the future. Check out the first trailer after the jump, oh and make sure you bring a change of pants.

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PlayStation 4 Console Design Revealed

Posted on June 10, 2013 by Rae Michelle Richards

Sony Executive Andrew House took the stage just moments ago to announce the console design for the PlayStation 4. Gamers have been waiting since February to see the design of the console, which may sit under their televisions in just a few short months.

Honestly, my first reaction, is that the console looks like a beefed up PlayStation 2. This isn’t a bad thing, Sony asking us to call back to a time when they dominated the console market isn’t a bad thing, perhaps the PS4 will catapult them back to the front of pack.

Check out an up close screen grab of the PS4 hardware after the jump. Read More


Battlefield 4 Takes To The ‘Angry Sea’ At E3

Posted on June 10, 2013 by Les Major

I’ve been impressed already with how the Frostbyte 3 engine handled the Fishing In Baku video DICE and EA released which could in itself be a short movie. At E3, they’ve created another featurette called Angry Sea which features gameplay footage of a naval level of the game.

After aquiring the intel they needed, the team is forced out into rough seas to head towards their escape. This happens after the ship they are in splits in two, revealing the hallway before them breaking away as the ship separates. It could seemingly have been an aircraft carrier, as you soon find yourself avoiding jets that slide down the deck before your team. The physics involved in the destruction alone are amazing. I still love the character models themselves too. Check it out after the break!Read More


Remedy Looking To Make Time Stand Still With Quantum Break

Posted on June 10, 2013 by Les Major

Remedy won me over with Alan Wake. Every E3 in recent memory, I’ve been eagerly awaiting the lights to go out and the familiar, “Last time on Alan Wake,” announcement to resound throughout the Xbox press event. So it was a sad thing to hear Remedy was putting Alan Wake aside for Quantum Break. However, this new IP does look very promising and it is from a team I now trust to deliver an excellent gaming experience.

It sounds like Quantum Break is very much about decisions you make and how they affect the outcome of the game. Our hero, Jack Joyce, is the survivor of a science experiment that unfortunately killed his brother and broke down time. This break down produces anomalies where time stutters and freezes, such as displayed in the trailer after the break.Read More


Capcom’s Dead Rising 3 Infects The Xbox One

Posted on June 10, 2013 by Rae Michelle Richards

The infected return in Capcom’s Dead Rising 3, announced this afternoon as a launch window exclusive for the Xbox One. I find this a bit surprising considering the fact that Dead Rising 2 and its spin-off Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, were multiplatfom titles released on the PS3 and PC. Then again, the original Dead Rising was an Xbox 360 exclusive during the summer of 2006.

Dead Rising 3 stars Nick Ramos, a survivor of the break out in the city of  Los Perdidos. Other games in the franchise played with the concept of an open world, featuring many different attractions and areas to explore but Dead Rising 3 raises the ante a bit by offering us an entire city to explore, with no load times!Read More


Open World Gameplay In New Metal Gear Solid V – Phantom Pain

Posted on June 10, 2013 by Les Major

To no surprise, Metal Gear Solid V which was the title this years E3 Xbox press conference started with, looks like an incredibly fun Kojima Productions title. Taking the series into an open world seems to allow for more recon and scouting out an area before diving in to complete your mission. Stealth is of course a huge element in the game as with most Metal Gear titles. The gameplay shown even demonstrated how Snake could lean on his horse to obscure himself and avoid detection from passerbys.

A list of the usually awesome Kojima Production opposition was shown including Ocelot. Dive in after the break and check out the gameplay itself. The game is on the way for both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.Read More


Ryse Son Of Rome Shows Interesting Army Control / Gameplay

Posted on June 10, 2013 by Les Major

The main thing that stood out to me during the beautiful showing of Ryse was the control you have over your army. Seemingly by pressing LB you can give commands to them in combat to call in an archer strike or such during specific times.

However, one of the interesting moments focused on the players army advancing with them. As if you were controlling an entire line of troops. As they approached the castle they were attacking, a cry would go out warning of arrows. The player could then respond by making the troops hide behind a wall of shields as a full group defensive move. At least thats the way it felt. For a full look yourself, check out the gameplay video after the break.Read More


Phil Spencer Wears State Of Decay Teeshirt

Posted on June 10, 2013 by Les Major

During the intro to Ryse, which looks absolutely fantastic, Phil Spencer who is head of Microsoft Studios was wearing a State of Decay teeshirt. I realize this is really missing the point of the tons of news that was released during this press conference, but it was cool to see a nod to XBLA’s latest game by Undead Labs.

Of course, many of us are anticipating Last Of Us which releases tomorrow for PS3. It’s possible to speculate that State of Decay was a way for Microsoft Studios to give their fans a zombie game exclusive to their console. Especially considering it was released a week before Naughty Dogs huge triple-A title.Read More


Microsoft Announces New Xbox 360 Model & Changes To Xbox Live

Posted on June 10, 2013 by Rae Michelle Richards

Xbox One might be all the rage, now that the console has been announced, but Microsoft had a few surprises and changes in store for the Xbox 360 during their press conference. Among these are the eradication of Microsoft Points, a re-designed Xbox 360.

Starting in November, when the Xbox One will launch in North America, Microsoft will do away with their preparatory digital currency, Microsoft Points, replacing it with real world prices similar to Steam & PSN.

Up until this items on the marketplace were prices in blocks of 400 / 800 or 1200 Microsoft Points, with the equivalent value of these amount in USD being: $5, $10 and $15. Complaints from users in Canada arose a few years ago after the Canadian Dollar rose to parity with the USD and Microsoft failed to change the price of Microsoft Points to reflect this. The end result was that those who have bought point cards in Canada are paying more when compared to their American counterparts.

Also of surprise was that Microsoft will release a second re-design of the Xbox 360, which is smaller than the initial ‘slim’ re-designed console released in 2010. The new design looks strikingly similar to the Xbox One (re-design pictured above).

News/ Image Source: Kotaku


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