December 19, 2012

Van Helsing Trailer Gets You Into The Wild

Posted on December 19, 2012 by Joshua Rust

The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing is a RPG title that is coming from the very talented studio Neocore Games. If you haven’t heard of this game, let us get you caught up on what Van Helsing is all about.

Here is the official synopsis from Neocore Games:

“The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing” is an upcoming action-RPG  focusing on the trials of young Van Helsing, son of the legendary monster hunter. Set in a universe that closely resembles a 19th-century Eastern Europe where magic and weird technology is real, the story follows Van Helsing teaming up with his father’s ancient foes, the classic monsters to defeat the reign of the mad scientists.”

Van Helsing will battle across rooftops of Borgova and everywhere in between. If that’s not enough for you to get excited, check out these screenshots.

Without further ado, here is the newest trailer of The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing:

[youtube id=”uYpBe1JQZTY” width=”600″ height=”350″]

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Valve Releases Steam Client for Linux

Posted on December 19, 2012 by Rae Michelle Richards

It is no secret that Valve has been working on a version its Steam client for Linux for sometime. This afternoon the closed beta for the new version of the client became available to the entire world. If you are a fan of open source software or free operating systems then you now have a new option for your gaming enjoyment. Just don’t expect the strong library that Windows and Mac users enjoy currently.

As of this writing there are 39 games available including Team Fortress 2, Killing Floor, The Book of Unfinished Tales and Aminesia The Dark Descent.Read More


First Five Minutes Of Bioshock: Infinite

Posted on December 19, 2012 by Joshua Rust

Irrational Games has released the first five minutes of their upcoming Bioshock: Infinite game. So before you scroll down to watch it, you have been warned that this will (obviously) spoil the first part of the game. I, personally, love the Bioshock franchise and I can’t wait to get my hands on this game! This one looks so much better than Bioshock 2. If only Irrational Games can craft the type of storyline that the first game had…then this will be a masterpiece!

[youtube id=”60zmVrtIBzw” width=”600″ height=”350″]

For those of you unaware, this game was pushed back by a month to March 26th in order to polish the game up to make sure it’s top notch when it hits retails stores. This is a great move by Irrational Games to make sure the game is the best it can be when it ships. So props to them even if we have to suffer for one more month!


New Fuse Trailer Goes Into Story Mode

Posted on December 19, 2012 by Joshua Rust

Fuse, which was previously called Overstrike, is Insomniac Games first stab at bringing a game to the Xbox 360 console. If that name doesn’t ring a bell, well it should – they are responsible for the ever popular Resistance series on the Playstation 3. I’m excited to see Insomniac go multiplatform and bring their talent to everyone on all different gaming systems.

So, Fuse was announced back in June 2011 and there really hasn’t been a lot of details beside the information on the characters and the official trailer. So today Insomniac Games has released a story trailer to give a bit of information on what the storyline will be based around. Enjoy!

[youtube id=”CqGbinBrpBI” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Fuse currently doesn’t have an exact release date, but it is expected to release Spring 2013.



League of Legends On Watch After Heroes of Newerth Hack

Posted on December 19, 2012 by Rae Michelle Richards

Fans of the MOBA genre and the creators of their favorite games are on watch after Heroes of Newerth was hacked this afternoon. Originally appearing on Reddit, a user by the name of Ryan_HTP posted about the hack with a twitter link as supposed truth. Apparently he made off with the usernames and passwords for the games accounts.

According to Ryan he’s also planning to attack competing game, League of Legends, a later time just to enrage its fan base. Surely this will put Riot Games on watch for potential security breaches but can one person bring down an entire development studio? As Kotaku postulate’s a remote possibility.

As he wrote on Reddit:

“I hacked HoN because there’s nothing as hilarious as seeing a bunch of fanboys of a game get enraged over the fact that their favourite game has been hacked”

Do you enjoy the MOBA Genre? Will you be changing your passwords in light of these recent events?

Source: Reddit via Kotaku


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