June 9, 2016

Steam Dev Days Returns

Posted on June 9, 2016 by Renee Gittins

Members of Valve’s Steamworks program, which provides game developers and publishers the tools needed to publish their games on Steam, received emails today announcing that the much coveted Steam Dev Days is returning.


The first Steam Dev Days was held January 15-16 in 2014 and was regarded as a highly informative conference with quality talks and networking. While Valve used it to heavily market their struggling Steam Machine and Steam Controller, they also showed their virtual reality headset, now known as the Vive.

While the first Steam Dev Days was invite-only and cost-free, it looks like Valve is intended to expand their audience, allowing even non-Steamworks members to sign-up for notification when registration goes live. However, it does seem that Steamworks partners will get preference.

The registration fee is noted to be $95, though the cost is almost certainly more to discourage people who may not attend from signing up rather than to offset the costs of the event. While some talks will pitch Valve’s products and services, all of the sessions last Steam Dev Days were well done and contained valuable knowledge.

Though the Steam Machine was the focus of the first Steam Dev Days, it looks like the Vive and virtual reality has taken its place as the hot topic for discussion.


As Valve gave away a BRIX Pro Steam Machine and prototype Steam Controller at the previous Steam Dev Days, and gave a Vive Pre to each attendee of the Vision Summit 2016, some are wondering if attendees of Steam Dev Days this year might find a Vive in their bag of goodies.

Free Vive or not, this is a conference worth attending.



June 9th Nintendo Download

Posted on June 9, 2016 by Jason Nason

Nintendo 3DS eShop

Kirby: Planet Robobot – The pink puffball is back and ready to kick some bot! Harness the power of a mysterious mech to stop ruthless invaders from mechanizing Kirby’s home world. Smash through tough obstacles, lift heavy objects with ease and scan enemies to shape-shift into new Modes with powerful abilities in this supercharged action-platformer. Kirby: Planet Robobot will be available on June 10.

Also New this Week

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XSeed to distribute Shante: Half-Genie Hero; will be shown at E3

Posted on June 9, 2016 by Jason Nason

While not officially announced by WayForward that I’ve seen, XSeed announced today that Shante: Half-Genie Hero will be among the upcoming games being released by XSeed Games to be shown off at E3 next week.

With vibrant, high-definition graphics bringing new detail to the series’ charming hand-drawn sprites, the newest entry is set to be released in the near future. According to XSeed’s release, they will be handling the physical release for PlayStation 4, PS Vita, and the Wii U.

In the game Shantae is roused from a deep sleep, suddenly alert. She plunges into the moonlit forest in search of answers. In nearby Scuttle Town she discovers a mysterious trapdoor, and beyond that, a luminous subterranean cavern. A familiar voice calls out, drawing Shantae to a beautiful fountain. Touching its waters she is immediately spirited away to the fabled Genie Realm. At her feet a magical seal swells as some powerful evil seeks escape. The chamber trembles with a deep, bellowing roar and everything goes white. Shantae sits upright, back in her bed. Was it just a dream? Or a vision of things to come?

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Ambitions of the Slimes coming West from Circle

Posted on June 9, 2016 by Jason Nason

With Puzzle Labyrinth set to be released today, Circle’s next game is already on the way.

Circle Entertainment announced via their social media platforms that Ambitions of the Slimes is already on the way to North America and Europe. The game will come packed with English, Japanese, Chinese Simplified and Chinese Tradtional.

Ambitions of the Slimes is a strategy role-playing game which will be released on the Nintendo 3DS eShop. This new release could become very close to a simultaneous East-West release. The game is set for release in Japan on June 15th and Circle is hoping for the game to be released here at the end of June or early July.

The game is also developed by Altairworks and Flyhigh Works.

In the game you play as both humans and slimes, which can take over and possess humans in battle. The game looks very much like a Final Fantasy Tactics style game, with characters reminiscent of the Witch and Hero series.

Check out the Japanese trailer and some screens below.




UMV Unveils Minimalist Line of Designer Clothes Aimed At E-Sports

Posted on June 9, 2016 by Rae Michelle Richards

UMV has announced a clothing line designed especially for e-sports players, streamers and broadcasters. This new line is called “Ult” and takes a minimalist approach to game focused fashion inspired by the Los Angeles streetwear aesthetic. Ult will not only feature conventional short sleeved tees but also long sleeved tees, hoodie, hats and jackets. UMV says that they are working alongside designers like The Seventh Letter.

Ult will be unveiled on their official website as well on the convention floor on June 13th, the first day of the E3 Expo. Alongside Ult UMV is also launching a line aimed squarely at broadcasters with wearable technology at the forefront of their design philosophy.

The Seventh Letter founder, Corey Zoltan had this to say about their partnership:

“Many of our streetwear fans also love competitive video games so getting to collaborate with ULT esports makes perfect sense, and we are excited to offer that to the community,”

Do you think that a line of e-sports specific clothing makes sense? Let us know in the comments section! Broken Joystick’s staff are in California and will be covering everything breaking from E3 2016 all next week.


Valley Releases first Trailer

Posted on June 9, 2016 by Fionna Schweit

developer Blue Isle Studios have released the first trailer for their upcomming game Valley The new trailer, which we have embedded above this article, showcases several minutes of gameplay footage, and features a mix of combat, freerunning and environments from the game. It sure does look pretty, but with only previous micro-horror title Slender under their belts you have to wonder if such an expansive game is too much for Bue Isle to take on.

Set for release this summer for PC, PlayStation®4 and Xbox One, Valley will introduce players to an mysterious and magical world, filled with secrets and danger. Through the powers of the L.E.A.F. Suit, a special exoskeleton that grants users incredible speed and agility, players will leap to great heights, explore secretive spaces, battle dangerous foes and even bring back the dead.


Ticks Tales: Up All Knight is out now on Steam!

Posted on June 9, 2016 by Fionna Schweit

Phoenix Online Publishing and Digital Bounce House have sent forth a decree to all the lands to announce the release of the hilarious 8-bit adventure, Tick’s Tales: Up All Knight! Be on the look-out and ever vigilant against the mischievous Tick, whose ulterior motives have sent him on a good old-fashioned quest!

Colorful retro-graphics meet a modern comedic narrative in this send-up and homage to the classic point-and-click quest adventures. Now available for PC, Mac and Linux on the Phoenix Online Store, Steam, the Humble Bundle Store, the App Store and other online retailers for 10% off the regular price of $7.99 for one week.

The game features a story of knights and ticks, told in a beautiful pixel based world. Tick’s Tales is a true homage to the classic adventure games,” said Katie Hallahan, PR Director for Phoenix Online Publishing. “From the art-style to the puzzles and the in-jokes that will get a laugh from everyone who’s ever enjoyed a classic Sierra or LucasArts adventure: This game is made by a fan for the fans and feels like a game straight out that era in all the best ways. And the fact that Bryce made this entire game by himself makes it even more impressive!”


Doom’s Multiplayer to get revamp

Posted on June 9, 2016 by Fionna Schweit

Most people (including Rae) who played the single player campaign of DOOM said “wow this is good” but then found the multiplayer to be lackluster, generic, and boring. Some of the complaints were legitimate and the internet was full of players trying to get their money’s worth  out of a crappy game with little online content, while also having to contend with cheaters and a lack of standard features like custom games. Speaking to Eurogamer, executive producer Marty Stratton revealed how id is tackling complaints.

“There’s certainly no lack of commitment to Doom as a multiplayer game on our side. We are already working on private matches with custom game settings and expect to include that in a free update this summer.”

So there you go. If you were one of those people who bought DOOM for nostalgia, because you love ID or just because you thought it looked cool you might be getting a massive content update soon. Though private matches are mentioned here, dont expect those to occur on private servers, rather what  Marty is probably saying is that they will allow for games with custom options. This doesnt fix one of the most rampant issues, the cheating, but it also means that people wont be able to set up say a surfing server or a server will all of one type of gun, or a server running a hacked lobby. It leaves more control in the hands of the developers, which I can’t see as being too bad.  ID is looking into implementing a traditional match browser too. Bots are also planned, but according to Marty they are still some ways off.

“Our bot system was actually written by one of our long-time senior programmers, John Dean, known online as ‘Maleficus’, who also wrote the Return to Castle Wolfenstein Fritz bot and the bots in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, so he does great work with bots. But John also just happens to be our internal lead programmer on SnapMap, so he’s very busy.”

In my most humble opinion, shipping a game with something as powerful as snapmap and not giving people the private server to play those maps on, and the bots to practice against, was a poor move by ID. Bethesda will be talking more about their newest shooter at their E3 showcase on Sunday 12, 7pm PT. We will be covering it live, so be sure to tune in!


BrokenDeals | Rocket league is Free for Xbox live Memebers June 9th-12th

Posted on June 9, 2016 by Fionna Schweit

In a move similar to the one that first launched them to fame Psyonix have today kicked off a free-to-play weekend for their iconic car soccer game Rocket League on the Xbox One. If you havent for some reason read every one of my published articles, I wrote up a review of this amazing amalgam of cars, rockets, and soccer many months ago. The long and short of it is that this is a great game. With fast aggressive fun, console and PC cross play, and endless hours of laughter and friendship ending. This free deal will only last untill June 12th so give Rocket League a try now, and it you like it Rocket League is also on sale for $17.99 (10% discount) until June 13th.

Tip from a pro, do the tutorial. Its very good at teaching you how to use the games more nuanced air combo system. Or, do like I did and just jump in and get destroyed. Either way this game is a ton of fun, and since its free no one should be passing it up. Ill see you out there on the soccer pitch!


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