April 27, 2012

The Walking Dead | Review

Posted on April 27, 2012 by Matthew Regier

Telltale games has started up a new episodic game series, and as can always be expected – it’s pretty awesome. A prequel of the story in the hit TV show based on the hit comic book series, it’s The Walking Dead. There are five episodes to the Walking Dead, one will be coming out each month. If length is to be judged by the first episode then we will be looking at 3-4 hours each. Which is good value considering its $25 price tag or its 400 Microsoft point value per episode.

The story follows protagonist Lee Everett and a young girl he finds alone named Clementine as they try their best to survive during the current zombie apocalypse. Along their way they will encounter a myriad of characters. Some of whom will like you, others will dislike you, and even a couple will die horribly in the tradition of zombie horror.

The style of the game follows a comic book, but adapting it to 3D models which can at times look awkward. Overall it is executed quite well. With much of the action being in the dialogue. The dialogue design is handled almost identically to how it was handled in Obsidion’s Alpha Protocol. In which you are given a timed selection of your dialogue choices with a variety of options. Adding in even silence as an option. Your choices in dialogue will greatly impact the story down the line in later episodes.

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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Revealed

Posted on April 27, 2012 by Matthew Regier

Sony has stepped up to bat with their new Sony property fighting game PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. What this game is, is essentially taking characters from different Sony licenses and putting them together and having them fight each other, much like the popular Nintendo franchise that came before it.

So far there have been six characters announced in this early version of the game. The six confirmed characters are: Kratos, Sly Cooper, Fat Princess, Sweet Tooth, Parappa the Rapper, and Mael Radec (Killzone).What makes this title different is in how you win. Where you need to strike the opposing players with specials that go up through levels of one to three, each doing different attacks and being able to take out more enemies.

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The Great Google Zerg Rush

Posted on April 27, 2012 by Matthew Regier

Google has done it once more and has changed their mega-popular search engine into hours of potential fun. Today when you decide to Google search “zerg rush” on a whim you will be treated to just that. With a horde of tiny letters, the letter O to be exact coming and picking away at the health bar of all the search results.

Of course these little “Googlings” have health too and you can combat them by clicking them to death. It gets pretty hectic, but for a simple Google Easter egg, it’s pretty fun if even for a couple minutes. At the end you’re given the option to submit your score. Where this goes, nobody knows.


Rayman Legends Boasts Exclusive Wii-U Functionality

Posted on April 27, 2012 by Jesse Lord

First things first.  If you haven’t gotten your grubby mitts on Rayman Origins, spectacular game that it is, go do that.  Right now.  I’ll wait.

Done?  Great.  Ok, so there has been a rumbling that Ubisoft is working on a follow-up to that refreshing platformer, and the news has broken by way of a leaked trailer for Rayman Legends, which you will see embedded below the jump.  This in and of itself is great news – unfortunately Rayman Origins, while generally criticallyacclaimed across platforms, did not see spectacular sales and therefore the likelihood of a sequel seemed to be but a far-away dream.  Thankfully Ubisoft were unfazed by the sluggish sales and took to the development of a sequel anyways. Thanks, Ubi!

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