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Broken Joysticks Now Has Our Own Sub Reddit

Posted on February 18, 2016 by Rae Michelle Richards

Our site is the primary place for us to post new content but if you’ve ever wanted to comment on our articles, pitch story ideas or interact with our editors that has been a little difficult up until now. Aside from dropping us an email we haven’t really provided a solid way for the community to chat with us outside of our Twitter and Facebook Page. Now you can join in on the conversation on our official Sub Reddit where anyone who visits our site can leave us feedback.

Looking forward to hearing from folks!



Square-Enix Creates And Pulls Hitman Absolution Facebook App

Posted on December 4, 2012 by Broken Joysticks

In just a single day, the P.R. department representing Hitman Absolution went from celebrating the creation of a brand-new Facebook App to promote the release of said game to initiating damage control because of it.

The idea of the app in question was it gave people a chance to send a virtual death threat (yes, that’s the intent of it, I kid you not) by providing a description set from a list of cruel attributes (i.e., muffin top, annoying laugh, small “breasts”, etc.) and a reason why Agent 47 should step forward and kill the person in question, along with a picture of the target.
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Twitter Explores Social Media’s Take On Women In The Video Game Industry

Posted on November 27, 2012 by Broken Joysticks

Social media has often served as a battleground for debates regarding political and economical arguments, but currently there is a long-standing outcry on Twitter that has breached a boiling point in the video game industry of which needed to be addressed; sexism and lack of feminine awareness in video games.

One of the biggest trends on Twitter currently has been the #1ReasonWhy hashtag, which surfaced this Tuesday, giving  a voice to the voiceless in the industry; female developers who have stepped forward in telling their short tales of sexism and misogyny in the workplace. A sad but absolute truth, revelations from a number of female developers explain that it is still an uphill battle in winning respect among their peers, and the sexist culture that permeates from within the business.Read More


Reggie Fils-Amie speaks Miiverse/TVii

Posted on October 11, 2012 by Jason Bassett

Reggie Fils-Aime has been busy talking a lot about the Wii U lately. Today on AllThingsDigital, Reggie spoke about the changes in the philosophy that gamers will be enduring the next generation and how television will never be the same again. He mentions about how we all compete against different types of media and that we all have to shuffle around to other devices for all sorts of entertainment. But, how will that be done in a more streamlined approach?Read More


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