July 30, 2012

The Walking Dead Ep. 1&2 Free For PS Plus August 7

Posted on July 30, 2012 by Seung Lee

The Walking Dead

Summer is quickly coming to a close, so why not make the most out of it with some free games? If you loved watching and/or reading The Walking Dead, it’ll be worth your time to try the prequel to the TV series out. Starting August 7, PlayStation Plus members will be able to play episodes 1 and 2 of The Walking Dead for free.

It’s not as if the games are bad either. If you like point-and-click adventure games, you owe it to yourself to play the two episodes. You can check out our review on the first episode here, and the second episode here.


Shogun 2 – Saints and Heroes Elite Unit Pack Now Available

Posted on July 30, 2012 by Rae Michelle Richards

SEGA’s Japanese themed real time strategy title, Total War: Shogun 2, just got a booster shot with the release of nine brand new units. These aren’t any regular units either, they are legendary heroes of battle who have been hardened by countless battles and reveled in the defeats of many of their enemies.

These new units include the club wielding Tadakatsu’s Tetsubo Warriors, the spears of Shizugatake and Hanzo’s Shadows, an elite group of Ninja.

All nine of these units are playable in the Single and Multiplayer portions of Total War: Shogun 2. We’ve embedded the official trailer from SEGA below.

[youtube id=”htE4zRkCYH4″ width=”600″ height=”350″]


Con Bravo: Gaming Tournament & Free Play Impressions

Posted on July 30, 2012 by Broken Joysticks

During the last weekend we at Broken Joysticks got the opportunity to visit Con bravo down in the Hamilton Ontario area as our readership is already aware – and let me give a shout out saying it was one of the best con experiences that we have ever covered. Meeting the Special Guests, the con goers themselves, and the staff was nothing short of epic amounts of fun – and we’ve made a note to put this down as one of our favoured cons for the future.

While the big coverage will be coming out as the week goes on, including interviews with Spoony, Doug, and others from Channel Awesome, we’d like to make a special note on something that we usually find more then a little mundane that we thought was exceptionally well done at this con – the gaming.Read More


Indie Gala Seven Begins

Posted on July 30, 2012 by Daniel Shannon

Indie Gala has just launched its seventh “pay what you want” game bundle. If you purchase a copy of this bundle, you can choose how to split up your money between the developers, two charities, and Indie Gala. The charities you may donate to in this bundle are the Italian Red Cross (to help in efforts in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy that suffered from a series of earthquakes in May) and AbleGamers, which works to help make video games more accessible for disabled people.

They’ve got a couple of great games in this bundle (each of which will come with a Steam key). People who pay less than the average price (which is about $7.00) will receive Rig’n’Roll, Space Rangers, Reign: Conflict of Nations, and a mystery game. People who pay more that the average will also receive Death to Spies, Death to Spies: Moment of Truth, King’s Bounty: Armored Princess, UFO: Afterlight and another mystery game.

I personally think that King’s Bounty: Armored princess alone is worth over $7.00.

If any of this sounds interesting to you then check out the bundle here. It will be running for another 13 days, so you can afford to tarry a little bit.


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