November 6, 2013

Say Goodbye to Ubisoft’s UPlay ‘Service’

Posted on November 6, 2013 by Rae Michelle Richards

Whether you call them ‘online passes’ or ‘services’ initiatives like Electronic Art’s Project ten dollar and Ubisoft’s U-Play platform have been despised by some in the gaming community for gating off content from those who buy their games used. It looks like Ubisoft is following in the footsteps of EA and cancelling their U-Play passport service as well as refunding all those who purchased the pass for use with a used copy of the recently released Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. If you’ve purchased a used copy of Black Flag keep reading!

All of this seems to stem from the small controversy surrounding the use of the U-Play Passport in the latest animus adventure. Entering the pack-in code granted players access to a resource collecting mechanic called ‘Edward’s Fleet’. Similar to other resource collection methods in previous entries, Fleet allows Players to send their hired hands off on the far seas to collect in-game currency. The big difference is that in prior games these mini games were never locked, as they provide invaluable cash used to upgrade your fellow assassins as well as the main protagonist.

Ubisoft cited the continuing connectivity seen in modern games, even during their single player content as the reason for the discontinuation of U-Play. They’ve also stated that in the future purchasing an Ubisoft title will grant players access to all features.

Click after the jump for a quote from Ubisoft.Read More


PlayStation 3 Surpasses 80 Million Units

Posted on November 6, 2013 by Rae Michelle Richards

Sony has sold a lot of PlayStation 3 consoles, 80 million worldwide as of November 2nd according to a recent press release from the console manufacturer. Pretty impressive considering the console launched in November 2006, on average they sold more than 11 million units a year! While everyone is talking about the PlayStation 4, sometimes it is important to look back and see what came before.

Some major milestones outlined by Sony: The launch of PlayStation Plus – which has been providing discounts to PlayStation Store content for over 3 years. Who of course could forget the Instant Games Collection either, every month Sony releases multiple  games for free to PS Plus subscribers for the past two years, for $60 a year it’s not a bad deal. Lastly, the PlayStation Store launched in November 2006 providing free online game play to every console.

I’m a huge proponent of Sony’s free games imitative and surely players who don’t already own a PS3 or can’t find a PlayStation may consider picking up a PS3 this holiday. With the launch of the PS4, I am a little shocked we haven’t seen a price cut just before the holidays. In Canada the PS3 sells for $249.99 and is available bundled with NHL 14 and a 250GB hard drive.


PlayStation Network Will Be Down Tomorrow

Posted on November 6, 2013 by Rae Michelle Richards

The PlayStation Network will be down for maintenance tomorrow from 11am to 7pm Eastern Standard Time. If you’re planning to download the latest free PS Plus Games during this time you’re out of luck. Sony says that the online gameplay will still be functional, so your planned 7 hour marathon of Call of Duty: Ghosts can still go ahead.

I wonder if this will be the last scheduled maintenance before Sony releases the PlayStation 4 next Friday, November 15th.

Sony wrote the following on the PlayStation forums, outlining the scheduled maintenance:

We wanted to take a moment to let everyone know that there is a planned maintenance for PlayStation Network scheduled for Thursday, November 7thfrom 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Pacific Time (11 AM to 7:00 PM Eastern). To clarify, this is a 7 hour maintenance.

If you’ve signed onto PSN over the past few days, you’ll still be able to play online and access apps during this period, but you may receive a maintenance notification when attempting to access the PlayStation Store, PlayStation Home, and Account Management as these services will be unavailable. Be sure to sign in now if you wish to access the Network during this maintenance window.


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