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Warner Bros. LEGO Star Wars TFA Event Was Amazing!

Posted on June 28, 2016 by Les Major

Last Monday was nothing short of amazing! As part of a small group of media we were able to visit an exclusive event at The Rogers Center in downtown Toronto. That’s right, the exact field the Toronto Blue Jays play at became a fantastic spectacle to highlight Traveller’s Tales upcoming new LEGO Star Wars release. We entered to the familiar John Williams score, making our way up into the TD Comfort Clubhouse to enjoy an all star treatment while being some of the first in Canada to play the new game.Read More


LEGO Star Wars TFA Kylo Ren Character Spotlight

Posted on June 21, 2016 by Les Major

With only one week until launch we now have a character spotlight focused on everyone’s favorite new Dark Side apprentice, Kylo Ren! He is still an apprentice, right? Anyway, you can check out the action below and be sure to tune in later for Darkain Arts Gamers coverage of the LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens event at Toronto’s Roger’s Centre last night!

Remember, LEGO The Force Awakens releases on June 28th! Next Tuesday you can learn more about the storyline around the new Star Wars movies!


New BB-8 Trailer For Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens

Posted on June 2, 2016 by Les Major

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment released a new trailer today for the upcoming June 28th release of Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This character profile highlights BB-8 in a short but sweet video. While the game in general seems to be a retelling of thew hit movie, there has been mention of additional story content as well. It seems the game will bridge the gap between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens with some backstory to the new cast.

That aside, here is a look at the new BB-8 trailer:


Lego City Undercover | Review

Posted on April 21, 2013 by Les Major

Lego City Undercover is two things, and does both very well. It is an all new Lego adventure in the theme and concept of your favourite titles to date, improving on that design. The game is also possibly the first youth friendly Grand Theft Auto inspired title. It really ends up feeling like you’re getting two games in one with all this content. It took me over 24 hours to get through the story, and I still have side objectives around the city to complete.

Undercover focuses on Chase McCain, a police officer just returning to Lego City after years away. In true GTA fashion, this brings you into the world not knowing how it has changed, either. So you’re exploring along with your character. There is very little I took issue with in Lego City Undercover; I really did love the game. It begins with a broadcast from a radio station, and this is quite a tease since the game itself includes no radio stations. So much otherwise reflects GTA wonderfully. The music in Undercover is great, but for those big action scenes that called for it, they could have faded out the radio stations and got back to the original soundtrack.Read More


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