Set in the distance future of the year 2865, Mass Effect Andromeda tells the tale of Ryder – a member of the Andromeda Initiative. Taking place chronologically after the original trilogy of games, Andromeda’s narrative focuses on an ARK vessel sent to the Andromeda constellation with 20,000 souls ready to colonize “Habitat 7” in order to find a new home for mankind among the stars.  As a member of the Pathfinding team – who are among the first setting foot on this new world – Ryder must help assess whether Habitat 7 is the right home for humanity and what the intentions of its habitants are.

Before Mass Effect Andromeda coming to PC, Xbox One and PS4 on Tuesday I’ve got the chance to sit down with the game for several extended play sessions before the games’ release thanks to the Origin Access Trial. Last night I captured the first hour of gameplay with no commentary so that our readers could get a chance to check out how Andromeda performs & the introduction of Ryder.

Watch it in the embedded player below and look out for more gameplay videos from Mass Effect Andromeda in the coming days as well as our full review on Tuesday.
