The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild at E3

Posted on June 15, 2016 by Jason Nason

Nintendo spent much of Tuesday spotlighting and showing off The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and it looks amazing.

In the little that was previously revealed about the game, one of the things that was touted was the amount of open world there would be in the game. And in what was shown so far at E3 that is an understatement. The world is immense, and only a small fraction of that world was shown off today.

I won’t go into too much detail with all of that though. You can read the details directly from Nintendo’s release below.

But also announced was three brand new ammibo, which will be released in 2017. These will presumably be released day and date with the game.

Shrines of Trials: More than 100 of these locations are scattered around the world for players to find, and in some cases finding the Shrines can be a puzzle in itself. As a result, Shrines offer more compact challenges that can be solved in a variety of ways. In order to earn a Spirit Orb from the monks who designed these challenges, players must overcome challenges or solve puzzles.

Runes: While exploring Shrines, players can earn Runes. For instance, the Magnesis Rune can help Link lift and toss metal objects. The Remote Bomb has two different types of bombs: rolling spherical ones and cubical ones that stay in place. The Stasis Rune briefly stops moving objects, while the Cryonis Rune freezes water and causes an ice pillar to appear.

Weapons and Combat: The game contains a wide variety of weapons, many new to the series. Players must find weapons or take them from enemies, but weapons wear out as you use them. Players can also time offensive and defensive maneuvers to temporarily slow time and connect with a flurry of strikes against their opponent.

Food: In another break with conventional gameplay for the series, players hoping to replenish their hearts or score some easy rupees will come up empty when they cut grass. Link can forage for a variety of foods in his environment, including apples and mushrooms. He can also hunt for food. Consuming uncooked foods gives him a modest health increase, but cooking different kinds of ingredients together will result in dishes with different effects, such as cold or heat resistance, for a limited amount of time.

Climate: From snowy areas to desert heat, Link must dress appropriately for the weather. If he needs to stay warm, he can don appropriate clothing, warm himself with a fiery torch or even eat food to maintain his body temperature and his health. Link also needs to be careful during lightning storms – if he is equipped with metal equipment during a downpour, he can find himself attracting deadly lightning bolts.

You can watch a ton of gameplay videos at Nintendo’s YouTube channel here.

E3 2016 E32016 Nintendo Nintendo NX Nintendo Wii U The Legend of Zelda The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild



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