June 1, 2014

Why Nintendo is Winning the Video Game War

Posted on June 1, 2014 by Jason Nason

Sure, Nintendo may be clearly losing the battle in this video game generation, but they have already won the war. Nintendo is victorious and they will be for a generation to come.


Because when your grow up and want to look back at the nostalgia of playing the games of your youth, you will have no trouble firing up a Nintendo console. But try to turn on an Xbox of PlayStation and you may just be out of luck.

Recently I updated my Xbox 360. I turned it on and was greeted with an “update or else” message, stating that if I didn’t update my system I couldn’t connect to Xbox Live or use any online features. So I allowed the system to update and upon reboot it stopped funtioning. I was greeted with an error seek service message in about every known language and the familiar green glow of the power button instead showed red. Furious red.

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