With the public beta for SuperBot Entertainment’s PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale almost upon us, the PlayStation blog has unveiled a video that shows off some neat tricks for a fan favorite from the original PS era, PaRappa the Rapper. His playstyle draws from his love of music, skateboarding abilities, and rapid kung-fu moves.

PaRappa’s impressive mobility makes it easy for him to get in close and wail on his opponent(s). This is great because he’s primarily a close range fighter. One of our paper-thin friend’s specials has him dropping a boombox (Boxxy Boy from the two games) and generates AP. This move, however, can also be used by the opponent(s). PaRappa’s level 1 attack is a quick, but short range flip kick from his skateboard. His level 2 attack has him riding on his skateboard (FYI, he can be controlled during this) for a distance on the screen. Lastly, we have the level 3 attack, which changes the screen to a concert, reminiscent of his game. The cool thing about this move is that it’s one of the few screen clearing specials in the game!

[youtube id=”l6u_Zva5oDY” width=”600″ height=”350″]