Could there be a Dementium III on the way?

Posted on February 8, 2016 by Jason Nason

We missed this during the week, but Jools Watsham from Renegade Kid put the question on Twitter with the question: Would you back a Dementium 3 Kickstarter? The ask comes as Watsham and the team are looking to gauge interest in pursuing a third game in the series.

While Kickstarter is a great way to get games funded they can be a lot of work. So before Renegade Kid goes through that effort of setting up a crowdfunding campaign it’s always a good idea to see if they an actually be funded. If everyone who retweets the post were to donate to a campaign then the game has a healthy start and chance.

The original Tweet from Jools Watsham is below, so if you want to see a third Dementium game on the Nintendo 3DS and beyond, click that retweet button. The team is looking for about 3,000 retweets before next Sunday.

We haven’t had a chance to play the original Dementium or its sequel for the Nintendo DS, nor have we played through Dementium Remastered for the 3DS. We’re looking forward to giving it a go soon, however. Check out Jools playing through Dementium Remastered below as well.

Dementium III Dementium Remastered kickstarter Nintendo 3DS Renegade Kid



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