Destinys new Oryx Raid Gets a Hard Mode

Posted on October 23, 2015 by Fionna Schweit

Destiny’s raids have always been hard. The first one took an expert team of 4 players over a week to figure out and complete. So it comes as no suprise that even harder, longer, and tougher raids are a major attraction to the destiny community. Today the hardest yet becomes available at 10AM. This challenge is no joke, Destiny’s lead designer recommends that players taking on the raid have at least a light level of 300. Gavin Irby, lead designer said

“This time, we followed a subtractive approach by building the mechanics early on. For a long time, we play-tested internally in Hard Mode, treating it as the default experience. Once we were satisfied, we removed them to arrive at the Raid you have already played,” he said.

“For the mechanics themselves, we shied away from simply increasing sandbox difficulty (not that it won’t be harder). You’ve had time to hone your strategies and develop a rhythm,” Irby added. “Some of you might even be able to do it backwards, blindfolded, or upside-down. Hard Mode is going to upset that rhythm. We’re going to give you one more plate to spin, and make you think on your feet.”

Many Destiny players hope that this raid will bring another level of difficulty after its normal mode was toppled in just a few hours. The raid has will become officially conquered as soon as players exit to orbit, at which time players will get their rewards.

Bungie Project Destiny Destiny Hard Mode Oryx Raid



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