The Xbox 720 has to exist right? Game developers are hiring for “next-gen projects” and if leaked development kits are to be believed, in house studios and third party companies are already working with an early version of the Durango hardware. Despite all of this proof, and a Microsoft executive mentioning that a “new xbox” is part of the next wave of Microsoft products being rolled out through 2013. Will the Xbox 720 be joining the re-branded hotmail. office and Windows? According to MS’ PR department all of this excite is nothing, just a simple misunderstanding.
Here is what Microsoft had to say in regards to the “new xbox” statement. Put simply, the executive was confusing the Fall Update & Smart Glass with a new console:
“When Brian mentioned a ‘new wave of products,’ he was referring to the full lineup of products coming later this year from Microsoft, including Windows 8, Office, Windows Phone and of course our fall Xbox update which will bring a host of new consumer experiences like Xbox Music, Videos, Games on Windows 8 and Xbox SmartGlass.”
To complete the comparison here is what Windows Live General Manager Brian Hall said to the Verge in an interview recently:
“We’ve had Hotmail and operated Hotmail for about sixteen years, we obviously have Exchange, and Outlook, that people use at work. We just decided it was time to do something new and bring the best from each of those and put them together and release it right in time for the new wave of products that we could have coming out with Windows 8 with the new version of Office with the New Windows phone and the new Xbox.”
I’ve been following the gaming scene for a long time now, since the mid 90s, and all of this corporate talk seems rather fishy. The leaked pictures and job postings say more than Microsoft’s PR machine ever could. I understand that if they acknowledged the next generation right before the holiday season sales would tank. If I was betting girl, and I am!, I’d say Microsoft confirms the 720 in early 2013 with a spring or summer E3 reveal.
What do you think about the next generation readers? Will be powering up our Orbis’ or Xbox 720s next fall?